Infinite Frequency REIKI Basic Level
Sat, Oct 12
|Online Event
Since the age of 8 I have been healing myself and others and receiving messages from the other side.
Time & Location
Oct 12, 2024, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM EDT
Online Event
About the event
Infinite Frequency Reiki
Since the age of 8 I have been healing myself and others and receiving messages from the other side. At 9 I started my Martial Arts practice and started learning how to control and move my chi energy. In college I studied psychology, sociology and music and took my first coaching class in 2000 and was professional executive coach by 2003. All along not realizing that it was all building up to a career in holistic healing.
You see, spirit had been preparing me all along not only to do energy work, but to be able to do it in my own special and unique way. A long time ago, when I went to attend Komyo Reiki in Florida with a prominent healer and author, my partner at the time, (knowing that I had been doing energy work all these years) asked what type of energy work I had been doing all these years. Her immediate response was a little shocking, she said “Rob doesn’t do Reiki he does an ancient form of energy healing”. So, I set on my path of figuring out just what that means.
Over the years, I have taken many classes from energy healing (Reiki, IET, Access Bars, Theta Healing, Tuning Forks, etc) to coaching, mediumship, physic development and hypnosis. 2014, I created my first unique program called Your Path Your Journey (The 5-week Challenge). This was the first step in bridging Energy work, coaching and psychic/mediumship work together for me! But it just didn’t seem to be enough. So, over the past few years, I have worked with spirit and my guide team. Now, I am proud, and over the moon happy, to finally announce that, after a lifetime of learning and growing, I have prepared the most comprehensive, detailed, and hands-on experiential course that I have ever seen.
Welcome to IFR, Infinite Frequency Reiki!!
After completing my IFR training course you will have learned all the aspects of each level of Usui Reiki and many more. You see I have been attuned to master level in Usui, Kundalini, Komyo, blue star celestial to just name a couple. In this one-of-a-kind course, you will earn 3 Usui Reiki Certifications as well as certification for I.F.R. Best of all, you will come out with expanded knowledge and a great connection to your higher self and source.
In this yearlong certification program, you will learn how to build your chi energy and use REIKI, while you develop your skills as a mentor, coach, psychic and medium, giving you the ability to assist yourself, and others with spiritual healing, trance healing, while enhancing your psychic abilities, mediumship abilities, and heighten your skills as a gifted coach and mentor.
Be on the lookout for my REIKI classes to change over to this new and comprehensive IFR program.
If you have already taken reiki don’t worry, there is still so much more for you to learn. And each class will provide you with techniques and exercises to keep you building and growing. And if you haven’t started your healing journey, now is the perfect time to jump in. Each class will build on the last so you will easily be able to keep up with others that may be further along the path. There will be one class per month with a makeup class and practice class the following month for people that may have missed a class and for those that want to practice, get a refresher of what they learned the month before!
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